Selected Conferences, Workshops and Talks on Storytelling for Global Peace, Inter-Cultural Harmony and Sustainability.
Aim: To enhance Psycholiteracy, Socioliteracy and Ecoliteracy through Storytelling.
Shaping a Smarter and Happier World through Stories – JBCN International
School for pre-school principals in Mumbai.
Social Activism through Stories – Storygig, Australia
Social, Emotional Learning through Storytelling – SNDT Women’s
University, Department of Special Education
Scherezade Reborn: Telling Tales for Survival – for PARZOR, a UNESCO
Stories Celebrating Inter-Cultural Friendships– Dr. Uttanwalla’s NGO for
children from the slums in Dongri
Mindfulness through Storytelling – Kitaboo: Children’s Literature Festival in
Jodhpur, India
Enhancing Literacies through Storytelling – Kitaboo: Children’s Literature
Festival in Jodhpur, India
Storytelling for Children (Reading Challenge) – extended programme by the
British Council, Mumbai
Balancing the Yang and Yin through Storytelling – University of Wellington,
New Zealand
Stories Celebrating Difference – A Storytelling Workshop led by the
Canadian First Nation’s writer, Tomson Highway
Disability Awareness through Storytelling – supported by the Canadian
High Commission
Stories for a New World: A Storytelling Workshop led by the Canadian First
Nation’s writer, Lee Maracle
Magic of the Word – A major, week-long international seminar-festivalworkshop, involving storytellers from
the different parts of India
from various countries around the world
I have a dream’. Storytelling workshops in 10 schools of Mumbai on
10.1.2009 after the terror attack in Mumbai (27th November 20008). The
creative writings of the students on bonding in the face of terror, were
published in a book called ‘I have a dream’ for which Mr. Ratan Tata wrote
the Foreword. The book was released on 18.2.2009 by the grandson of Dr.
Martin Luther King.
Forging Healthy Relationships through Stories – Bharati Vidhya Bhavan
Schools in Kuwait